
Posts Tagged ‘maintaining your rage’

I’ve had a list of ten things pinned on my fridge for so long that the paper is crispy feeling and I no longer remember where the hell I got it from.
But I look at it all the time and try to do the things it says.
I was going to list five, seeing as this is five for Friday. But then I thought you might want to print it out and stick it on your fridge too – as a gentle prod to get you doing things differently sometimes.
1. Accept personal responsibility for change, no matter how small.
2. Reflect on your own behaviour.
3. Identify what you have got to give.
4. Act in your own context.
5. Collaborate.
6. Join. Network. Lobby. Advocate.
7. Treat everyone with respect.
8. Be inclusive.
9. Maintain your rage, your hope and your optimism.
10. Celebrate your successes.

See? Who doesn’t need and get inspired by that list?

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